Odd Okoddo - Jokaawnor
Kink Gong & Li Daiguo - Pipa Laluo Wedding
Anna Linardou - Apopse sto spitaki mou
O´Flynn - Neptune
Mopcut - Oak Tranche
Wobbly - Multiplet
People Like Us - Bing Bong
Clark - Spiral Crackerjack
Ben Frost - Die Reisenden 2
Oto Hiax - Dapple
Arrington de Dionyso - Hollerin´ Over The Motor
Stéphane Roy - Train d’enfer
Laura Agnusdei - Epiphyte Blues
Merdh Laleh - A/not A breach, Repeat
Rizan Sa'id - Mewal
Wondering O - Fire Under The Ashes
Espen Sommer Eide - Balzaal Tuinkamer
Andrew Pekler - Description Of Rain (Over Frisland)
Alates 02.04.2020 kuvab ERR kommenteerija täisnime.