Kõlab muusika kolmele kõrgele meloodiapillile (või häälele) ja klavessiinile.
Klavessiinimängija ja muusikateadlase Richard Egarriga musitseerivad Bojan Čičić, Rachell Ellen Wong ja Ruiqi Ren viiulitel, Alex McCartney theorbil ja Jonathan Rees viola da gambal.
BBC raadio salvestas kontserdi Edinburgh' Kuninganna saalis 24. augustil 2022.
19:59:09Johann Sebastian Bach - Prelüüd a WTK IGlenn Gould (klaver)
Giovanni Battista Fontana (?1589-?1630) - Sonata 16, for three violinsRichard Egarr and Friends
Michelangelo Rossi (ca 1601-1656) - Toccata SettimaRichard Egarr and Friends
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Biagio Marini (1594-1663) - Sonata in eccoRichard Egarr and Friends
Henry Purcell (1659-1695) - Three parts upon a Ground, Z. 731Richard Egarr and Friends
Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687) - Salve Regina, petit motet for three sopranosRichard Egarr and Friends
Johann Jacob Froberger (1616-1667) - Lamentation faite sur la mort très doloureuse de Sa Majesté Imperiale, Ferdinand le troisièmeRichard Egarr and Friends
Johann Heinrich Schmelzer (ca 1620/23-1680) - Sonata for Three ViolinsRichard Egarr and Friends
Giovanni Battista Buonamente (late 16th cent.-1642) - Sonata secondo, for three violinsRichard Egarr and Friends
Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706) - Canon and GigueRichard Egarr and Friends
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Alates 02.04.2020 kuvab ERR kommenteerija täisnime.