12:32:53Mark O'Connor (kitarr) - Fantaasia katkeb ja jätkub /Fancy Stops and Goes Mark O'Connor
12:37:07tenThing - Kolmekrossiooper. Puhkpillisüit: II Moritat of Mack the Knife Kurt Weill
12:39:16Louis Armstrong (trompet), Trummy Young (tromboon), Edmond Hall (klarnet), Billy Kyle (kl), Arvell Shaw (bass), - When The Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin´Along H. Woods
12:41:25Europa Galante - V osa - Allegro Sonaadist a-moll Alessandro Scarlatti
12:43:30Yo-Yo Ma, Philip Glass Ensemble - (VIII osa) Intensive Time / Muusikast filmile "Naqoyqatsi". Philip Glass
12:52:06Hamburgi Telemanni-ühingu KO - Concerto grosso B II Allegro Georg Philipp Telemann
12:55:02Bela Fleck, Joshua Bell, Gary Hoffman - Doctor Gradus Ad Parnassum Claude Debussy/arr. Edgar Meyer, Bela Fleck
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