* Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith - Wetlands (Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith)
* Shintaro Sakamoto - Birth of the Super Cult (スーパーカルト誕生) (Shintaro Sakamoto (坂本慎太郎))
* John Darnielle, Matt Douglas - Scaling the Well (The Mountain Goats)
* Alan Browne, Colm O'Ciosoig, Hope Sandoval, Paul McQuillan - Around my Smile (Hope Sandoval & the Warm Inventions)
* Johnny Arcesia (John Anthony Arcesi) - Rainy Sunday (Arcesia)
* Shin Joong Hyun - I Don't Like (Lee Jung Hwa)
* Sandro Perri, Jordan Somers - Impossible Spaces (Sandro Perri)
* Kristiina Reidolf, Siim Randveer, Silver Sikk - Allavoolu (Tartu Popi ja Roki Instituut)
* Thomas Bücker - Oktober (Bersarin Quartett)
* Dan Berglund, Martin Hederos, Tonbruket - Wolverine Hoods (Dan Berglund's Tonbruket)
* Animal Collective (David Portner, Noah Lennox, Josh Dibb), Vashti Bunyan - It's You (Animal Collective, Vashti Bunyan)
* Shin Joong Hyun - Spring Rain (Park In Soo)
* Colleen (Cécile Schott) - Floating in the Clearest Night (Colleen)
* Unknown Mortal Orchestra (Ruban Nielson, Kody Nielson, Jacob Portrait), Minh Nguyen, Chris Nielson - Hanoi 6 (Unknown Mortal Orchestra)
* Yoko Kanno, Keishi Urata, Seiichi Takubo, Hassan Bohmide - Hamduche (the Seatbelts)
* Vincent Gallo - I Wrote This Song for the Girl Paris Hilton (Vincent Gallo)
* Cameron Stallones - Horse Steppin (katkend) (Sun Araw)
* F.S. Blumm (Frank Schültge), Nils Frahm - Day One Three (katkend) (F.S. Blumm & Nils Frahm)
* War - Slipping Into Darkness (The Funkees)
* Mariam Wallentin, Hildur Guðnadóttir - Under Land and Over Sea (Wildbirds & Peacedrums)
* Jon Hassell - Last Night the Moon Came (Jon Hassell)

Jaan Kross 105
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