Jukka Eskola, New Wind Jazz Orchestra, dir. Bianca Rantala - Seven steps to heaven Victor Feldman, Miles Davis
Jukka Eskola, New Wind Jazz Orchestra, dir. Bianca Rantala - Maids of Cadiz Delibes
Jukka Eskola, New Wind Jazz Orchestra, dir. Bianca Rantala - My Ship Kurt Weill
Jukka Eskola, New Wind Jazz Orchestra, dir. Bianca Rantala - Buzzard Song George Gershwin
Jukka Eskola, New Wind Jazz Orchestra, dir. Bianca Rantala - Bess, you is my woman now George Gershwin
Jukka Eskola, New Wind Jazz Orchestra, dir. Bianca Rantala - There´s a boat that´s leaving soon for New York George Gershwin
Jukka Eskola, New Wind Jazz Orchestra, dir. Bianca Rantala - Blues for Pablo Gil Evans
Jukka Eskola, New Wind Jazz Orchestra, dir. Bianca Rantala - New Rhumba Ahmad Jamal
Jukka Eskola, New Wind Jazz Orchestra, dir. Bianca Rantala - Summertime George Gershwin
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