20:59:31George Gershwin - Allegro ben ritmo e deciso (from Three Preludes) Paco D’Rivera & Absolute Ensemble
21:01:26Henry Purcell - Cold Song Klaus Nomi (kontratenor)
21:05:37Georges Bizet, Arr. Lembit Saarsalu - Carmen: Habanera Lembit Saarsalu
21:10:39Lennon, McCartney - Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds Manuel Barrueco
21:13:50Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees Christopher Riley
21:18:38Robert Brookmeyer - Amerika 2002 In Memoriam (II) Till Brönner, Berliini Filharmoonikute 12 Tshellisti
21:21:41Lennon, McCartney - You've Got to Hide Manuel Barrueco London SO Jeremy Lubbock
21:25:53Barbara - Vienne Juliette Binoche, Alexandre Tharaud, Renaud Capucon
21:31:25John Lennon, Paul McCartney - Maxwell's Silver Hammer Rostal & Schaefer (kl. duo), Royal Liverpool Philharmonic OrchestraDirigent Ron Goodwin
21:34:02Luis Bacalor - Il Postino Joshua Bell
21:37:46Michael Nyman - Miniatures. Floating World Saxophone Quartet
21:41:23W. A. Mozart - "Elvira Madigan" filmist "Elvira Madigan" Caravelli
21:44:51Mark O'Connor - Poeem Carlitale Mark O'Connor (viiul), Yo-Yo Ma (tšello), Edgar Meyer (kontrabass)
21:52:18Felix Godefroid - Carnaval de Venice op 184 Xavier de Maistre (harf)
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